My mind is honestly whirling around with so many things I want to say about God that it’s not even funny. I’m reading an incredible book, and I came to two realizations today. I will do them on individual blog entries, though, so people automatically skip over the long entries like I do sometimes.
Anyway, I’ll talk about one of my revelations. I was singing downstairs for the first time in a long time with my karaoke machine, and I was thinking about how cool it would be to one day sing love songs to my husband or boyfriend or something someday to let him know how much I appreciate him. And I would hope that he would appreciate the gift that I was offering him. But I realized that God is so much more than a husband will be (Sorry, Mr. Right). I should be offering myself to him and showing my devotion and practice a ton so that I may please Him and let Him know how much I appreciate what He does for me and for loving me unconditionally like no one else does, because I’m a hard person to deal with sometimes.
So I sang Him love songs and praise songs, because He desires me to love Him. He desires for me to let Him hold me without struggle so that He might comfort me and take care of my life that I mess up so frequently. I fell on my knees while singing “O Holy Night” to Him, because while I was singing it I recognized the fact that all oppression can cease because of Jesus Christ. God is inside of us, and if we let Him take over our lives we don’t need to worry or be oppressed.
So I wanted to put it out there that whatever talent you have, use it for God’s glory and to let Him know that you appreciate what He gave you to use for His glory. It’s just like the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30.) We should multiply what we are given, our talents, to give back to Him.
So that’s what was on my mind. I am praying that it will touch you in some way and that you will understand what I am thinking and feeling, because there’s no way I could put it into words.
God Bless!
Thanks for sharing this, Brooke!